Wrinkle Treatments Warsaw​

Effective and non-invasive​

zabiegi na zmarszczki laserem
  • Contents

  • What are wrinkles?

    Wrinkles are creases or depressions on the skin’s surface that are a natural consequence of the aging process. The main cause of their formation is the loss of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the skin’s firmness and elasticity. As the skin ages, it also loses hyaluronic acid and lipids, which leads to it drying out and sagging. Additionally, the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands decreases, which makes the skin drier and less elastic.

    Wrinkles are also caused by external factors, such as exposure to UV radiation, an unhealthy lifestyle, including smoking, and an unhealthy diet. Hormonal changes that occur during menopause further intensify the processes leading to loss of skin firmness. Wrinkles can be dynamic, appearing during facial expressions, or static, visible even when the face is calm. All of these factors combine to lead to the formation and deepening of wrinkles, which become more visible with age.

    Can wrinkles be prevented?

    It is possible to influence the condition of our skin to prevent wrinkles in a given range, there are several effective methods that help to keep the skin younger for longer. So what is important in preventing wrinkles?

    The key element is proper skin care, which includes not only regular moisturization, but also additional techniques such as facial gymnastics and anti-wrinkle massage. These activities stimulate collagen production, which is necessary to maintain skin elasticity. Since dehydrated and dry skin is more prone to wrinkles, maintaining proper skin hydration is fundamental to wrinkle prevention. Regular use of moisturizers, both day and night, as well as taking care of the proper level of hydration of the body, will support the maintenance of smooth and firm skin.

    Expert Opinion on Wrinkle Treatments

    Barbara Goździkowska

    Small wrinkles, especially those that appear when we laugh, add charm. But that is where the charm of wrinkles ends.
    Wrinkles are caused by many factors that degrade the collagen fibers in the skin, which work together to accelerate the aging process and wrinkle formation. These factors include: exposure to the sun and UV radiation, hormonal and metabolic changes, skin nutrition and hydration, and fatigue and stress.
    Wrinkles on the face, on the forehead, around the eyes definitely add years, make the face look sad, tired. Wrinkles on the forehead, especially the lion’s wrinkle, give the face a downright menacing expression. Neck wrinkles are very problematic, which with age and often due to excessive exposure to the sun become very visible and unfortunately difficult to eliminate.
    Therefore, the best way to deal with wrinkles is prevention, i.e. preventing the formation and deepening of wrinkles through an appropriate lifestyle, the use of photoprotection (SPF 50) and treatments that delay the aging process.
    In my clinic I offer a very wide range of modern wrinkle treatments, in line with global trends and research. I am an advocate of combining technologies, because I see greater effectiveness of combined therapies, especially when working with aging skin, after the age of 40.

    My favorite treatments for wrinkles and improving the condition of the skin include treatments using the following technologies: a world novelty – the Red Touch Pro volumetric laser, which works directly on collagen, microneedle radiofrequency, tissue stimulators and the classic – needle mesotherapy, which is irreplaceable for mature skin that needs regular hydration and nourishment.

    Welcome to the world of Absolu!

    Barbara Gozdzikowska

    Have a question?


    Our best wrinkle treatments

    Wrinkle Treatments - Questions and Answers

    Wrinkle Treatments - Price List

    Our mission at the Absolu clinic is to provide patients with access to the most modern rejuvenation technologies at the best prices.
    Wrinkle treatments start from PLN 400 for a single Smooth Eye laser treatment for the eye area, or a fractional laser for facial wrinkles for PLN 600.
    In our clinic you can also perform the most modern treatments at very attractive prices, such as volumetric laser for collagen, which is very effective for wrinkles and sagging skin.
    Package prices are even more beneficial for Patients, because most treatments must be performed in a series of at least 3 treatments to see the effects.

    Twarz2500 PLN / 4500 PLN5000 PLN / 12000PLN
    Twarz, szyja, dekolt3500 PLN / 5500 PLN7000 PLN / 15000 PLN
    Laser wolumetryczny Red Touch Pro1 ZABIEGPAKIET 3 ZABIEGÓW
    Laser Wolumetryczny Red Touch PRO - Twarz1300 PLN / 2000 PLN3300 PLN / 5400 PLN
    Laser Wolumetryczny Red Touch Pro - Szyja900 PLN / 1800 PLN2400 PLN / 4900 PLN
    Laser Wolumetryczny Red Touch PRO - Twarz + szyja1700 PLN / 3000 PLN4500 PLN / 8100 PLN
    Laser Wolumetryczny Red Touch PRO- Twarz + szyja + dekolt2100 PLN / 4000 PLN5600 PLN / 9000 PLN
    Laser Wolumetryczny Red Touch PRO - Usta500 PLN / 800 PLN1200 PLN / 2400 PLN
    Laser Wolumetryczny Red Touch PRO - Brzuch1400 PLN / 2000 PLN3300 PLN / 5400 PLN
    Laser Wolumetryczny Red Touch PRO - Ramiona1800 PLN / 3000 PLN4800 PLN / 8100 PLN
    Laser Wolumetryczny Red Touch PRO - Dłonie600 PLN / 1000 PLN1500 PLN / 3000 PLN
    Mezoterapia igłowa1 ZABIEGPAKIET 3 ZABIEGÓW
    Mezoterapia Filorga NCTF z zastosowaniem Vital Injector600 PLN / 700 PLN1500 PLN / 2100 PLN
    Głeboka biorestrukturyzacja skóry biostymulatorem tkankowym NUCLEOFIL ( 1 amp 1,5ml) z zastosowaniem systemu Vital Injector 2 ( soft/medium/strong)1000 PLN / 1200 PLN2500 PLN / 3600 PLN
    Mezoterapia nawilżająca I rewitalizująca NEAUVIA HYDRODELUXE ( 1 amp 2,5 ml) z zastosowaniem systemu Vital Injector 2700 PLN / 1100 PLN1950 PLN / 3300 PLN
    Mezoterapia Saypa Rich Croma z zastosowaniem systemu Vital Injector 2700 PLN / 1100 PLN1950 PLN / 3300 PLN
    Mezoterapia Kolagenowa Linerase - stymulator kolagenu z zastosowaniem systemu Vital Injector 2890 PLN / 1200 PLN2400 PLN / 3600 PLN
    Peptydowa terapia komórek włosa I skóry głowy Dr Cyj650 PLN / 900 PLN1800 PLN / 2700 PLN
    Mezoterapia Light Eyes Croma400 PLN / 600 PLN1200 PLN / 1800 PLN
    Mezoterapia mikroigłowa1 ZABIEGPAKIET 3 ZABIEGÓW
    Dermapen 4.0 + Booster z substancjami aktywnymi + maska pozabiegowa - twarz700 PLN / 950 PLN1950 PLN / 2700 PLN
    Dermapen 4.0 + Booster z substancjami aktywnymi - dodatkowy obszar do zabiegu150 PLN / 200 PLN400 PLN / 600 PLN
    Dermapen 4.0 + kwas PRX-T33/BioRePeel/Uber Peel + maska pozabiegowa - twarz700 PLN / 950 PLN1950 PLN / 2700 PLN
    Dermapen 4.0 + kwas PRX-T33/BioRePeel/Uber Peel + maska pozabiegowa - dodatkowy obszar do zabiegu150 PLN / 200 PLN400 PLN / 600 PLN
    Peeling laserowy1 ZABIEGPAKIET 3 ZABIEGÓW
    Twarz600 PLN / 1000 PLN1500 PLN / 2700 PLN
    Twarz, szyja, dekolt990 PLN / 2500 PLN2200 PLN / 4800 PLN
    Radiofrekwencja mikroigłowa1 ZabiegPakiet 3 zabiegów
    Twarz990 PLN / 1900 PLN2700 PLN / 4800 PLN
    Dodatkowy obszar podczas zabiegu ( szyja, dekolt , 20 x 20 cm)400 PLN / 1900 PLN1000 PLN / 5700 PLN
    Ciało ( 20 cm X 20 cm)1200 PLN / 1900 PLN3000 PLN / 4800 PLN
    Twarz600 PLN / 1000PLN1500 PLN / 2700 PLN
    Twarz, szyja, dekolt990 PLN / 2500 PLN2200 PLN / 4800 PLN

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    Umów zabiegUmów przez Booksy

    Where do wrinkles come from?

    Wrinkles are clearly associated with the skin aging process and are one of its visible symptoms. The skin aging process begins after the age of 25 and is a very complex process, dependent on both internal factors such as age, health, metabolic disorders, nutrition, and external factors – where the main factor influencing the aging process is UV radiation, lifestyle and stress.

    An extremely important factor that has a huge impact on premature wrinkle formation and skin aging is photoaging, which is dependent on UV radiation.

    Studies show that in unprotected skin as much as 80% of all changes are induced by ultraviolet radiation.

    UV radiation through complex cellular processes affects the reduction of new collagen synthesis, the effectiveness of skin repair mechanisms decreases, cell DNA is damaged by reactive oxygen species and oxidative processes. These complex changes occurring in the skin under the influence of the adverse effects of UV radiation disrupt its functions, both the epidermis and the dermis.

    To properly select wrinkle treatments, you need to know the origin and types of wrinkles.

    To put it simply, wrinkles are formed as a result of:

    • Repetitive muscle movements (mimic wrinkles; wrinkles from skin compression)
    • Weakening of the supporting functions of the skin’s collagen fibers
    • Thinning (reduction in thickness and loss of firmness) of the dermis
    • Skin gravity, the effect of the skin’s own weight

    Wrinkles can be superficial and deep (depth over 0.05 mm)

    Depending on the cause of their formation, wrinkles can be distinguished:

    • Atrophic – they are caused by aging due to hormonal changes, a decrease in female hormones
    • After the sun
    • Sleepy – resulting from the positioning and creasing of the skin during sleep
    • Gravitational – resulting from the aging process and sagging skin, loss of muscle and fat tissue
    • Resulting from dry skin – due to drinking too little water, dry skin and skin care mistakes
    • Laughter wrinkles – mimic wrinkles, most often located around the eyes, the so-called crow’s feet wrinkles
    • Mimic – they do not depend on age, they are the result of excessive muscle work (forehead, eye area)

    Types of wrinkles

    Wrinkles are a natural effect of the skin aging process, which is associated with physiological cellular changes. As we age, characteristic lines, furrows and depressions appear on the skin, which are most often observed in areas with thinner subcutaneous tissue, such as around the eyes, forehead, neckline or the back of the hands. There are different types of wrinkles, which can be classified according to their depth and causes.

    Division according to the genesis of wrinkle formation

    Mimic wrinkles

    They are caused by the constant contraction of facial muscles, which leads to the formation of lines expressing emotions.

    Sun wrinkles caused by photoaging of the skin.

    They arise as a result of long-term exposure to UV radiation, which accelerates the skin aging process.

    Gravity wrinkles

    They are the result of a weakening of the structures that support the skin, which causes it to become looser and begin to droop, forming folds.

    Hormonal wrinkles

    They are related to changes in hormonal levels, especially during menopause, which affect the structure and elasticity of the skin.

    Division of wrinkles according to depth

    Shallow/superficial wrinkles

    They do not exceed 0.05 mm in depth, e.g. crow’s feet around the eyes.

    Deep wrinkles

    Noticeable as vertical or horizontal grooves and lines.

    The role of collagen in the process
    skin aging

    Collagen is an extremely important protein in the human body, constituting the basic structural component of connective tissue and responsible for maintaining the youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. Also known as the “protein of youth”, collagen helps to keep the skin smooth, supple and properly moisturized, which is crucial in preventing the first signs of aging, such as wrinkles. As we age, the body’s natural ability to produce collagen decreases, which often begins to become visible before the age of thirty, leading to dryness and loss of skin firmness. This in turn results in the formation of wrinkles, especially visible on the face and neck.

    In addition, this process can be affected by harmful external factors, such as exposure to UV radiation, environmental pollutants, stress and an unhealthy lifestyle, which can intensify collagen degradation. That is why it is so important to provide the skin with both internal and external support, for example through appropriately selected collagen supplements or advanced cosmetic therapies. Effective management of collagen levels through a holistic approach to skin care can significantly delay the aging process, keeping the skin healthy and young for a longer period of time.

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    Wrinkle Treatments - TOP 10

    1. Microneedle radiofrequency

    Microneedle thermolifting is one of the most effective non-surgical facelift technologies. The procedure rejuvenates, firms and thickens the skin. It also reduces scars and wrinkles.

    This therapy is considered a natural therapy because it works by stimulating the skin’s natural regeneration processes and collagen reconstruction. The microneedle applicator stimulates the skin through micro-punctures, and thermal energy is deposited deep into the dermis, thanks to which it works very effectively on collagen reconstruction and production.

    Immediately after the therapy, the skin becomes taut. After a few weeks, new collagen fibers are stimulated, shortened and thickened, which results in the face oval being lifted.

    Contraindications to the microneedle radiofrequency procedure are:

    • pregnancy and lactation,
    • tumors,
    • active acne,
    • blood clotting problems,
    • pacemaker.

    The first effects of the therapy are visible after one session. Satisfactory results can be expected after 3-4 treatments performed at monthly intervals.

    2. Red Touch PRO collagen laser

    3. Tissue biostimulants

    Biostimulators are a modern injection therapy that regenerates, revitalizes and rejuvenates the skin. The procedure involves injecting a special biostimulating preparation (Profhilo, Juvenus) into the tissue, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, reduces wrinkles, firms and improves the face oval, which has lost elasticity and proper contour as a result of natural aging processes.
    The recommended therapy is 3-4 treatments performed every 2-4 weeks. Immediately after the session, the skin becomes moisturized and taut. The effect of full regeneration is noticeable after about 6 weeks.

    Contraindications to the procedure are:

    • pregnancy and lactation,
    • herpes,
    • skin infections.

    4. Dermapen Microneedling

    5. Botulinum toxin

    Botulinum toxin is one of the most popular aesthetic medicine treatments that effectively and quickly reduces wrinkles. The therapy involves precise injection of a small amount of the preparation into selected areas on the face, using a disposable syringe.
    Botulinum toxin blocks the connections between nerve endings and muscles, which causes contractions of the paralyzed facial muscles and smoothing out wrinkles. Only low concentrations of the preparation are used during the procedure, which have no effect on the neighboring areas of the nervous system.
    You don’t have to wait long for the results of the treatment. The first effects appear after 2-14 days, and they last for 3-6 months. Contraindications to the therapy include: pregnancy, lactation, skin infections and hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the preparation.

    6. Laser therapy

    An extremely effective and very versatile method of skin rejuvenation and anti-aging therapy is laser therapy, in particular the Fotona laser. This is a very modern laser platform that combines the action of two Er:Yag lasers, which works superficially on the skin, and Nd:Yag, which works deeply, also thermally. Thanks to this, we can stimulate and rejuvenate the skin both superficially and through thermolifting.
    Fotona Laser offers the possibility of combining individual therapies during one treatment, which translates into the great effectiveness of rejuvenation treatments. The true Elixir of Youth is the Fotona 4D treatment, which is four rejuvenation treatments in one.

    7. Filling wrinkles and furrows with hyaluronic acid

    Hyaluronic acid therapy is an ideal way to fill in furrows and wrinkles, reduce them, smooth them out and achieve a younger look. It is perfect for people with the first signs of skin aging. For people with serious skin deformations, it is recommended to use the treatment as a supplement to revitalizing methods.
    Although the preparation is most often used to eliminate nasolabial folds and smoker’s wrinkles, the treatment also improves the oval of the face and lifts the corners of the mouth.
    The therapy should be repeated every 12-24 months. The effects obtained last up to two years. Contraindications to the procedure are:

    • pregnancy and lactation
    • cancer diseases,
    • skin infections,
    • herpes,
    • allergy to hyaluronic acid.

    8. Needle mesotherapy

    Needle mesotherapy is an effective method for wrinkles. During the procedure, active substances (amino acids, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, microelements) are administered into the skin using a series of punctures, which moisturize, rejuvenate and improve the condition and structure of the face. The injection stimulates skin regeneration processes and the production of elastin and collagen.
    The therapy should be performed every 4-6 weeks. The recommended series is 3-4 treatments. Contraindications to needle mesotherapy are:

    • pregnancy and lactation,
    • herpes,
    • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the preparation,
    • inflammation,
    • tumors.

    9. Smooth Eye for wrinkles around the eyes

    10. Endermolift

    Endermolift is a non-invasive and natural lifting, firming and rejuvenation of the skin. The treatment reduces signs of aging, wrinkles, helps maintain a healthy appearance and condition of the skin, and also stimulates regenerative processes and the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, thanks to which the skin becomes elastic, moisturized and filled.
    Endermolift is a completely safe mechanical massage that shapes the face and eliminates visible imperfections. Contraindications to the therapy are:

    • herpes,
    • tumors,
    • inflammation and skin infections,
    • plastic surgery performed within the last 6 months.
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