To permanently remove hair, you should plan 6-8 laser hair removal treatments , but there may be cases where more treatments will be needed. It is worth paying attention to the treatments taking place at the right time interval, which is related to the hair growth phase. In the case of laser hair removal of the legs, this is an interval of about 8 weeks between treatments, in the case of armpits, 4-6 weeks is enough. If the treatments are performed too often, they may not be effective enough, because too few hairs will be in the anagen phase of hair growth (active growth stage), and the laser beam only affects hair in the anagen phase, not the dormant ones.
The effect of laser hair removal is not visible immediately, the hair is still visible for a few days after the procedure and then it starts to fall out. The effect is most visible 2 weeks after the procedure. A series of laser hair removal of 6-8 treatments gives permanent hair removal effects. After the series, up to 10% of hair may grow back, it will be very delicate, light, less visible. This is considered permanent hair removal. The effect of a smooth body lasts for several years , then a reminder treatment can be performed. In the case of hormonal or health problems, the effect may be weaker.
Laser hair removal is unmatched in removing unwanted hair. It is the most effective and permanent method of removing hair from the body, legs, bikini area. No other method will provide a lasting effect of a smooth body.
It is not entirely possible to answer the question of how long laser hair removal is enough . The effects of laser hair removal depend on several factors – primarily on the type of hair, the number of treatments, the frequency of treatments, the hormonal balance in the body, the part of the body on which laser hair removal is performed. It is important to make sure that the treatment is performed with a modern laser for hair removal , and not, for example, IPL, because the IPL device is not a laser.
People with thick, dark hair and light skin need fewer laser hair removal treatments than people with red hair, thin hair, or dark skin.
In thick dark hair and light skin, the matrix contains a lot of melanin. Melanin is a pigment that is affected by the laser beam in the phenomenon of selective photothermolysis. Melanin in the hair selectively absorbs the laser light, it changes into heat and destroys the hair on a thermal basis.