Rejuvenation treatments

Rejuvenation treatments

Rejuvenation treatments restore the biological mechanisms of the skin, which weaken with age. The epidermis begins to regenerate faster, the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid is stimulated. The skin structure improves, wrinkles are reduced, the face is brightened and cleansed. Healthier, well-groomed skin not only appears younger, but also becomes more resistant to external factors.

Skin aging – how to prevent it?

Aging is a natural process that begins in women before the age of 30, gradually progressing over the years. As a result of slower skin metabolism, it becomes thinner and more susceptible to the influence of external factors. It also loses elasticity, firmness and the right level of hydration due to limited sebum secretion and the breakdown of hyaluronic acid molecules, collagen fibers and elastin. The first wrinkles and furrows appear on the face, and over time, pigmentation spots. The skin tone also changes. The complexion becomes gray, dull, especially in people who have exposed their skin to long-term UV radiation without using appropriate sun protection. To reduce the signs of aging and enjoy healthy, beautiful and well-groomed skin, it is worth deciding to use special rejuvenating treatments, such as mesotherapy, endermolift, facemodeling, medical peelings and many others.

What are the causes of skin aging?

Although skin aging is a consequence of the passage of time, this process depends to a large extent on the movements of facial muscles, genetic conditions and physiological factors. The skin is also subject to external aging, which is directly related to lifestyle, exposure to the sun, lack of sleep or environmental pollution. Equally dangerous factors are tobacco smoke poisoning, chronic stress and an unbalanced diet poor in vitamins, antioxidants, proteins or lipids. Due to their deficiency, tissues are unable to regenerate.

One of the main causes of skin aging is oxidative stress caused by free radicals. With age, the body’s ability to defend itself against their negative effects decreases, which causes the aging process to progress faster.

Effective rejuvenation treatments for the face

At our Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, we offer a wide range of rejuvenating treatments that eliminate the signs of aging, restoring the skin’s radiant appearance.

Mesotherapy – thanks to a series of dense punctures on the skin, it is stimulated to increase the production of elastin and collagen, which eliminate sagging, firm and smooth. The therapy accelerates the regeneration and reconstruction process, as a result of which the complexion gains radiance, scars, discolorations and wrinkles are reduced. The treatment can be successfully used for preventive purposes to slow down the skin aging process. At Absolu Clinic, we perform both needle mesotherapy and microneedle mesotherapy using Dermapen.

Endermolift is a rejuvenating facial massage. It shapes contours, lifts and firms in a non-invasive way. By stimulating collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, it restores skin firmness, elasticity and proper hydration. After a series of treatments, the complexion is brightened, oxygenated, cleansed of toxins and free from visible signs of aging.

HIFU 2 – using a high-intensity ultrasound beam, the skin is firmed and tightened, and the facial contour is restored.

Microneedle radiofrequency (microneedle thermolifting) is a non-invasive technology for lifting the face, rejuvenating, firming and thickening the skin.

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