Red Touch Pro - collagen laser

Volumetric laser

laser red touch
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  • Red Touch Pro Volumetric Laser

    Laser Red Touch PRO from DEKA, one of the world leaders specializing in the most modern Hi-Tech devices for non-invasive rejuvenation, is a revolution and a breakthrough in laser rejuvenation. It is the only laser in the world that directly affects collagen fibers.
    The Red Touch Pro Laser is a non-ablative fractional laser, which means it does not damage the epidermis.

    The unique 675 nm beam length works directly and immediately on the regeneration and stimulation of collagen. Most EBD (Energy Based Device) lasers and devices, through controlled skin damage, stimulate the production of type III collagen, which only after a few days transforms into type I collagen. The innovation of the Red Touch Pro laser is that it directly stimulates type I collagen in the dermis layer, without damaging it, but regenerating and stimulating it.

    It allows you to achieve excellent rejuvenation effects in people with loose, thin skin, signs of photoaging, and loss of firmness.

    The treatment is extremely comfortable thanks to a very innovative cooling system, there is no convalescence after the treatment because it does not damage the epidermis layer. The first effects of improving skin tension are visible immediately, and the full effect is achieved after about a month after the treatment. Effectiveness requires a series of treatments.

    Why is collagen so important?

    Collagen is a protein that is the main component of the dermis. Collagen, thanks to its strong bonds, gives the skin firmness, density and stability. There are different types of collagen in the skin. Type I collagen is a key protein, the most common in our body. It is responsible for the firmness, strength and elasticity of connective tissue. It is the basic building block of skin, bones, tendons. After the age of 25, we start to lose collagen, on average about 1% per year, this is one of the reasons for skin and body aging.
    What is neocollagenesis? Neocollagenesis is the process of stimulating new collagen.

    Red Touch PRO collagen laser - What is it?

    The Red Touch Pro volumetric laser from the world-renowned DEKA company specializing in medical equipment is a fractional non-ablative laser. It is the world’s first volumetric laser.

    This is a global innovation and revolution in non-invasive rejuvenation, it is the only laser in the world with a laser beam length of 675 nm. The chromophore for this length of laser light beam is directly collagen, i.e. the Red Touch Pro laser directly affects collagen in the dermis. The laser beam directly stimulates type I collagen in the dermis, i.e. collagen, which is responsible for skin firmness, density and quality.

    Volumetric laser allows you to improve and rebuild skin firmness, reduce facial wrinkles and furrows, and works on the principle of photorejuvenation – i.e. reduces photoaging of the skin (discoloration, pigment changes).

    The laser allows for improving the volume of the lips – without filler, as well as rejuvenating and collagen-rebuilding treatments on the body and hands.

    The effect of the treatment is the restoration of skin firmness and density, improvement of facial volume, reduction of discoloration and evenness of color, multidimensional rejuvenation. It works perfectly for delicate, vascular, flaccid skin, when many other treatments cannot be performed, which are too aggressive.

    The Red Touch Pro Laser is the latest and most modern version of the device from DEKA, it has high power (15W) and a very modern cooling system that makes the treatment completely painless and extremely comfortable.
    This is an ideal procedure for people who have a very low pain tolerance and at the same time expect high treatment effectiveness. There is no convalescence period.

    Expert Opinion on Red Touch Pro​

    Barbara Goździkowska

    The Red Touch Pro treatment is a great discovery for me, I think it is unique and that is why I included it in the Absolu clinic’s treatment offer. It is the only laser treatment that works directly on collagen. It is a non-ablative treatment, which means there is no disruption of the epidermis, so there is no convalescence period after the treatment. It is ideal for people who lead a very active lifestyle and cannot afford the healing process. Secondly, it is an excellent treatment for thin, sagging skin, for which other laser treatments may be too aggressive. It is also a laser that works well on vascular, reactive skin.
    What I really like – the first effects are visible the next day – the skin is nicely taut and the face looks rested. And the full effects are visible with the process of skin reconstruction and collagen renewal.
    The treatment can be combined in one visit with a fractional ablative laser for complete reconstruction of the skin inside and improvement of the structure and color of the epidermis.

    Welcome to the world of Absolu!

    Barbara Gozdzikowska

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    Red Touch PRO​ volumetric collagen laser


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