Fat Reduction Cellulite Treatments BTL Emtone​

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  • Fat tissue reduction - Emtone treatments

    Did you know that about 85% of women complain of one of several forms of cellulite ? Even slim people who play sports often experience ‘orange peel skin’.

    If you also have this problem and want to eliminate it, the solution is a series of treatments with the BTL Emtone device, i.e. cellulite reduction , fat tissue reduction and body firming.

    The Emtone device is a technological innovation and a revolutionary combination of two very effective technologies that, when combined in one head, provide spectacular effects in body modeling and firming treatments.

    Emtone is used in treatments that reduce fat tissue , firms the body and reduces cellulite and other signs of skin imperfections.

    It is the only device on the market that:

    • reduces local fat tissue
    • remodels collagen and stimulates collagen fibers
    • improves skin firmness and elasticity
    • reduces and smoothes cellulite
    • accelerates metabolic activity

    Why is EMTONE so effective? It combines in one application and simultaneous treatment two of the most effective, proven and safe technologies for combating figure flaws – monopolar radio wave and directed acoustic wave.

    Cellulite Treatments Emtone BTL

    BTL Industries Limited, a global leader in the production of innovative medical devices, has been conducting research on the synthesis of technologies for several years, predicting that the simultaneous use of both energies will increase the effectiveness of modeling treatments that reduce fat tissue, firming the body and reducing cellulite. This is confirmed by clinical studies.

    Treatments with the EMTONE device are short, their duration depends on the treatment batch and batch size. It is about 8-20 minutes . Urządzenie posiada certyfikat amerykańskiej agencji FDA.

    Expert Opinion on Cellulite and Fat Tissue Treatments

    Barbara Goździkowska

    Emtone , from the British market leader in medical equipment BTL , is the most effective technology to combat persistent fat tissue, cellulite, sagging skin and loss of firmness.
    This is a 2 in 1 treatment, the only combination of radio waves and acoustic waves (shock waves) available on the market, which is why Emtone treatments are so effective in removing excess fat, cellulite and skin laxity.
    Thanks to the combination of radio waves, i.e. thermal energy, and shock waves, fat cells undergo apoptosis (destruction) and are then metabolized and excreted.
    At the Absolu clinic, our philosophy is to provide patients with maximum treatment effectiveness and satisfaction, which is why we additionally combine technology. A unique combination is Emtone and Emsculpt , i.e. concentrated electromagnetic energy, which causes strong muscle tension and thus stimulates the growth of muscle tissue. The exceptionally effective combination of Emtone and Emsculpt technology gives spectacular results in removing fat tissue and modeling the abdomen or Brazilian buttocks.
    I recommend the Emtone treatment to anyone who wants to get rid of excess fat tissue on their stomach, thighs, sides or arms; who are struggling with persistent cellulite, or sagging and loss of skin firmness. I have successfully used the Emtone treatments to improve the quality of the skin on my thighs, get rid of cellulite and at the same time firm up sagging skin.
    Body shaping and improving its quality has never been as effective as it is now, thanks to the availability of versatile technologies such as Emtone.

    Welcome to the world of Absolu!

    Barbara Gozdzikowska

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    Fat tissue reduction - treatments Warsaw​


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    Cellulite Treatments Emtone Warsaw​

    Did you know that about 85% of women complain about one of several forms of cellulite? Often, even slim people who do sports experience ‘orange peel’. If you also have this problem and want to eliminate it, the solution is a series of treatments with the BTL Emtone device, i.e. cellulite reduction, reduction of fat tissue and body firming. We invite you to our aesthetic medicine clinic in Warsaw for cellulite treatments that will reduce fat tissue and improve your figure!

    Modern Emtone device

    The EMTONE device is a technological innovation and a revolutionary combination of two very effective technologies that, when combined in one head, provide spectacular effects in body modeling and firming treatments.

    EMTONE is used in treatments that reduce fat tissue, firms the body and reduces cellulite and other signs of skin imperfections.

    It is the only device on the market that:

    • reduces local fat tissue
    • remodels collagen and stimulates collagen fibers
    • improves skin firmness and elasticity
    • reduces and smoothes cellulite
    • accelerates metabolic activity

    Cellulite Breakdown with Emtone​

    BTL Industries Limited, a global leader in the production of innovative medical devices, has been conducting research on the synthesis of technologies for several years, predicting that the simultaneous use of both energies will increase the effectiveness of modeling treatments, reducing fat tissue, firming the body and reducing cellulite. This is confirmed by clinical studies.

    EMTONE device treatments are short (20 min per treatment area), safe and non-invasive. The device is certified by the American FDA. Therapies are performed on thighs, the area above the knees, buttocks, sides, arms. To achieve satisfactory results, it is recommended to perform a series of 4-6 treatments once a week.

    Fat tissue reduction - Emtone effects

    Why is Emtone so effective?

    It combines in one application and simultaneous treatment two of the most effective, proven and safe technologies to combat body flaws, namely:

    • Monopolar radio wave – the generated energy penetrates the subcutaneous tissue to a depth of about 4 cm. At the same time, it does not disperse in the shallower layers of the skin, which results in thermal stimulation and regeneration of the epidermis. The high frequency of the radio wave heats the subcutaneous tissue to a temperature of 45-55 degrees Celsius, contributing to the programmed death of fat cells (apoptosis) and their removal from the body. Collagen fibers are also rebuilt and new collagen is produced. As a result, the body becomes firm, elastic and rejuvenated.
    • Directed acoustic wave – the acoustic wave causes vibrations in the connective tissue, which results in damage to fat cells and acceleration of the lipolysis process (their elimination and metabolism). In this way, the body is cleansed of toxins. Additionally, blood circulation is improved, which means that the tissues are more oxygenated, nourished and supplied with blood. The skin becomes smoother and more elastic, its structure is evened out, cellulite is reduced. In addition, the silhouette is slimmer in places treated with the EMTONE device. The hip circumference is reduced by an average of 2.3 cm, while the thighs by 2.13 cm.
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