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What facial treatments for a 40-year-old woman?

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Unfortunately, the aging process cannot be stopped, but the good news is that it can be definitely delayed.
We live dynamically, we feel young, and despite the passage of time, we also want to maintain young, healthy skin and body. The latest trends aim to maintain a natural, youthful appearance as long as possible. In order to maintain a young, healthy appearance for years, it is worth understanding why we age, what processes influence the speed of aging, and how to delay these processes most effectively and in what way.
The aging process is definitely more than just wrinkles on the skin. Over time, after the age of 40, changes occur in internal tissues , which have the most significant impact on appearance. The tissue under the skin begins to thin out and we slowly lose fat tissue. These changes cause our internal scaffolding to weaken and changes in the facial contour begin. The cheeks and jaw begin to sag, the nasolabial folds deepen, and there is a loss of firmness and elasticity.
This is the best time to create a long-term preventive and anti-aging plan together with an experienced cosmetologist. There are many ways to delay and stop the aging process, but it is important to start taking comprehensive actions and acting systematically. The effects will be spectacular , because at the age of 50 you can look and feel 30+

How to rejuvenate your face after 40? At the Absolu clinic we have proven methods

Anti-aging medicine is a rapidly and dynamically developing field. We have more and more knowledge and research about the skin, what works effectively on it and gives long-term safe effects.
The latest trends are naturalness and natural methods of skin rejuvenation and regeneration. We already know a lot about rejuvenation and reversing the aging process. The most effective therapies are those that work multidimensionally. Both on the surface of the skin, its quality and texture, but also on deep subcutaneous tissues. With age, aging processes affect internal tissues, muscle and subcutaneous fat tissue decreases, which is why treatments shallow on the skin surface are not sufficient. Multidimensional rejuvenation brings the greatest effectiveness.
The most effective therapies are those that, thanks to the latest technologies, stimulate the natural processes of skin regeneration, act deeply on the inner skin and tissues, thicken the skin, firm and lift it. Additionally, it is worth combining them with treatments that act superficially on the skin surface and improve the condition of the skin, remove wrinkles, moisturize, improve color and give shine.

How to firm facial skin after 40?

After the age of 40, we are dealing with quite advanced aging processes, so it is worth creating a treatment plan together with an experienced cosmetologist that will include therapies for deep internal tissues to firm them, prevent the loss of oval shape and at the same time include professional care activities as anti-aging prevention.
After the age of 40, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases rapidly, which causes the skin to become drier, prone to wrinkles, and the aging process accelerates.

Needle mesotherapy is an excellent preventive treatment , recommended both for older people with clear signs of skin aging and for younger people as anti-aging prophylaxis. The preparation based on hyaluronic acid binds large amounts of water and thus effectively moisturizes, firms the skin and eliminates the effect of dry skin. The treatment regenerates, elasticizes, tightens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Needle mesotherapy is one of the most effective anti-aging treatments for people over 30. Mesotherapy provides deep hydration and at the same time the punctures stimulate regenerative processes in the skin.

After 40 Mesotherapy is a great element of skin care and moisturization, but it will not prevent or reverse the processes of loss of firmness deep in the tissues. Therefore, a perfect combination is to include treatments using technology – microneedle radiofrequency, laser therapy, HIFU, which work deeply, firming and lifting the face in a natural way.

What rejuvenating facial treatments?

The age of 40 is a good time to start anti-aging therapies.
This is the perfect time to act, before the wrinkles become permanent and the facial contours are lost – because more advanced changes are more difficult to reverse.
The latest trends in aesthetic medicine are based on regenerative treatments, those that use energy to act deep in the skin and tissues and stimulate the skin to regenerate and rebuild. The advantage of treatments using technology is that their effects occur gradually over time, because the skin is rebuilt, so there are no sudden changes in appearance.

Regenerative treatments include Microneedle Radiofrequency , HIFU , laser therapy , e.g. resurfacing and the Fotona 4D intensive laser lifting treatment.
All these treatments are classified as regenerative treatments, which, thanks to intense energy, naturally act on collagen fibers, shorten them, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin and trigger the natural rejuvenation processes in the skin.

Microneedle Radiofrequency is a combination of two tested, safe and proven technologies. Radiofrequency Microneedling combines a radio wave, which causes strong heating of the deep layers of the skin and thus stimulates natural regeneration, firming and improved elasticity with microneedling. Microneedling allows you to introduce thermal energy deep into the skin thanks to a special disposable treatment head to stimulate the deeper layers to rebuild and regenerate. The effects of microneedle radiofrequency can be divided into those visible immediately, i.e. immediate increase in skin tension, wrinkle reduction, and those effects that appear over time. After the treatment, the formation of new collagen, twisting and thickening of its fibers is stimulated deep in the skin. Thanks to this, the skin becomes more elastic, firm and elastic, and there is a lifting effect without a scalpel. Wrinkles around the eyes disappear, skin color and quality improve.

The Fotona 4D laser treatment also has a multidimensional regenerative effect. This is a real HIT in rejuvenating laser treatments. Why? During one treatment, four treatment protocols and two different lasers are combined, i.e. a total of four laser treatments are performed at different skin depths and with different effects, in order to achieve the effect of overall rejuvenation and lifting. The Fotona 4D treatment, also known as Master Lifting, is one of the most effective rejuvenating treatments available on the market. Importantly, despite very high effectiveness and intensity, it is characterized by a minimal recovery period.

Lifting without a scalpel after 40

For people who have problems with loose skin, loss of elasticity and want to quickly and once achieve the effect of rejuvenation and lifting, it is worth using HIFU, i.e. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. Concentrated ultrasound is a very effective and safe technology, proven in medicine, and is currently making a splash in aesthetic medicine and rejuvenation.
HIFU is a treatment that is perfect for flabby skin and loss of elasticity and firmness on the face, neck, cleavage, but also on the body, e.g. on the stomach. Ultrasound, i.e. waves, pass through the epidermis and are focused deep inside the skin. They heat the cells to about 70 degrees Celsius, but do not damage the surface of the epidermis. They trigger regeneration processes deep in the skin. They work deeply, even up to 4.5 mm, so they give an excellent lifting effect. This is definitely an alternative to a surgical facelift.
The technology is very safe and does not require a series of treatments, so it is a perfect treatment for those who are impatient. The complete lack of convalescence is also very important, after the procedure you can immediately return to your daily activities. Also, the period of summer and exposure to the sun does not limit this treatment, it can be performed all year round, also on tanned skin.

Treatments for 40-year-olds – summary

After the age of 40, the aging process accelerates, so it is worth taking rejuvenating measures as early as possible, before the skin becomes completely lazy and old. We recommend modern regenerative treatments, i.e. those that, thanks to modern technologies, reach deep into the dermis and stimulate repair processes deep in the skin. They stimulate the skin to regenerate by creating new collagen fibers.

Absolu, Aesthetic Medicine Clinic in Warsaw, is a very modern place that specializes in natural, non-invasive rejuvenation using the most modern treatment technologies. The Absolu Clinic is a team of experienced aesthetic medicine doctors and certified cosmetologists who are passionate about a holistic approach to delaying the aging process, using the most effective, non-invasive and modern technologies to maintain a young, healthy and natural appearance.

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Picture of Barbara Goździkowska
Barbara Goździkowska
W branży Beauty pracuję już prawie 30 lat, moja pasja to holistyczna dbałość o zdrowie, urodę i samopoczucie, aby jak najdłużej utrzymać ciało i skórę w zdrowiu i dobrej kondycji. Stworzenie Absolu, Kliniki Medycyny Przeciwstarzeniowej i Estetycznej jest realizacją moich marzeń i pasji, aby oferować Pacjentom najbardziej nowoczesne rozwiązania i najwyższą jakość zabiegów, żeby zachować młody, zdrowy, naturalny wygląd na dłużej. Specjalizuję się w profilaktyce przeciwstarzeniowej, stawiam na nowoczesne, bezpieczne, skuteczne i minimalnie inwazyjne zabiegi, które w naturalny sposób odmładzają i regenerują skórę.