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The best belly treatments – our TOP 3

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A belly fat is a problem that many people of different ages struggle with. Fat tissue accumulates in this place most often due to improper eating habits and too little exercise. Additionally, it is influenced by: chronic stress, sleep deficiency, stimulants and taking certain medications. A firm, flat stomach is the dream of many women and men. To reduce localized fat tissue, improve skin tension and sculpt muscles, a balanced diet and exercise are sometimes not enough. The best way to shape your body is abdominal treatments . Modern body treatments using innovative devices are extremely effective in removing local, resistant fat tissue. Year by year, these therapies are becoming more and more popular due to their effectiveness, which translates into patient satisfaction. What treatments are worth opting for?

Effective abdominal treatments

Losing belly fat is not easy. To get rid of the belly button, you need to eat healthily and lead an active lifestyle. It is worth avoiding sweets, alcohol, processed foods, white flour, and fatty, fried products. Often, even slim people who exercise and follow a healthy lifestyle have problems with local fat tissue on the belly. Therefore, in the process of slimming and firming the figure, it is worth including special shaping, tightening and fat-reducing treatments , such as Emtone , Emsculpt or Endermology LPG Alliance .

Emtone – fat tissue reduction

Emtone is one of the most effective treatments for removing fat tissue and cellulite
and firming the body – non-invasive, painless, quick. The BTL Emtone device is a combination of the two most effective, proven and tested technologies – monopolar radio wave and directed acoustic wave.

The high-frequency radio wave reaches a depth of about 4 cm, i.e. to the subcutaneous tissue, where it is heated to a temperature of 45-55 degrees. The thermal effect causes controlled death of fat cells and stimulates the reconstruction and production of new collagen fibers. Thanks to this, the belly becomes firmer and the amount of fat is also reduced. The acoustic wave damages fat cells, which accelerates lipolysis. In this way, toxins and fat are removed from the body, and circulation is improved. The skin becomes more elastic, firmer, smoother and the body becomes slimmer in the treatment area.

Clinical studies conducted so far confirm that after a series of Emtone treatments, local abdominal fat tissue is reduced , sagging is eliminated and cellulite is reduced. Additionally, the tissues are oxygenated and the blood supply to the skin improves.

Emsculpt – sculpted, flat stomach

Emsculpt BTL is a real revolution among treatments that shape the body, reduce fat and sculpt the abdominal muscles. Emsculpt is the only device on the market that uses the innovative HIFEM technology. During the treatment, high-frequency electromagnetic energy causes over 20,000 intense muscle contractions. Such training is not possible to achieve by performing the exercises on your own due to the large number and length of contractions.

While stimulating the muscles, fat tissue is burned at the same time (approximately 19% with an increase in muscle mass by 16%). The volume and density of the muscles increases, making them larger, more visible, defined and tense. In addition, the abdominal skin is firmed and taut .

LPG Alliance Endermology – abdominal firming

LPG Alliance Endermology is a modern technology of mechanical tissue stimulation. Before the treatment, the patient puts on a special “endermowear” outfit, which makes it easier to maneuver the roller around the body and increases the comfort of the therapy. Then the beautician moves the massage head over the belly. The skin folds are then sequentially sucked in and stimulated by imitating the movements of the masseur’s hand. The treatment stimulates blood and lymph circulation, improves metabolism, cleanses toxins and stimulates regenerative processes in tissues. This leads to the production of collagen and elastin. The skin on the belly becomes firm. Waist circumference decreases. The silhouette is slim and modeled. Cellulite eliminated. Additionally, the condition of the skin improves.

After a series of 12 LPG Alliance Endermology treatments, the skin is firmed by 82%, the waist circumference is reduced by 5 cm and the orange peel skin is smoothed by 99%.

Abdominal treatments – summary

Do you dream of a flat stomach without a tire? Take advantage of non-invasive, safe and effective treatments that firm and reduce fat tissue. We especially recommend Emtone, Emsculpt and LPG Alliance Endermology. After just a series of several therapies, you will enjoy a smaller waist circumference, a slim figure and taut and elastic skin. At the Absolu clinic, we combine treatments and technologies into treatment programs to provide patients with the highest possible effectiveness and visible satisfaction with the treatment. Our flagship, best-selling 5+5 program is a combination of EMTONE and EMSCULPT treatments in one treatment session. As a result, after 5 sessions, patients enjoy a slim belly, reduction of fat tissue , improved skin elasticity and firmness, as well as defined muscles and extensive muscle mass on the abdomen .

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Picture of Barbara Goździkowska
Barbara Goździkowska
W branży Beauty pracuję już prawie 30 lat, moja pasja to holistyczna dbałość o zdrowie, urodę i samopoczucie, aby jak najdłużej utrzymać ciało i skórę w zdrowiu i dobrej kondycji. Stworzenie Absolu, Kliniki Medycyny Przeciwstarzeniowej i Estetycznej jest realizacją moich marzeń i pasji, aby oferować Pacjentom najbardziej nowoczesne rozwiązania i najwyższą jakość zabiegów, żeby zachować młody, zdrowy, naturalny wygląd na dłużej. Specjalizuję się w profilaktyce przeciwstarzeniowej, stawiam na nowoczesne, bezpieczne, skuteczne i minimalnie inwazyjne zabiegi, które w naturalny sposób odmładzają i regenerują skórę.
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